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Lachlan Rodda

Western Heights High School
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When did you start learning Chinese and what inspired you to take up the language?

I started learning Chinese during year 7 (five years ago). But I only really started learning seriously last year. Nothing initially inspired me to start learning Chinese but when I started, I found it interesting and I was picking up a lot of vocabulary very quickly.

Tell us about your Chinese language learning journey. What has been the most unexpected or rewarding part of the experience?

My Chinese learning has been long but my interest for learning Chinese has not diminished. The most unexpected/rewarding part of my experience has been winning the Chinese speech competition in Wellington back in May.

What opportunities have opened up for you as a result of your Chinese-speaking ability?

The opportunity that has opened up for me as a result of my Chinese speaking ability is being able to compete in the international Chinese speech competition being held in Tianjin in October.

Why do you think other New Zealanders should learn Chinese?

I think other New Zealanders should learn Chinese because the Chinese population in New Zealand is increasing. Learning Chinese can help enhance connections in our communities.

Do you have any tips for anyone thinking about taking up Chinese?

The tips I have for people thinking about taking up learning Chinese are to find a passion for learning Chinese, having passion for learning Chinese will help you to consistently learn new things and improve your skills.

practice regularly. It will help you to retain what you have learnt and improve your skills.

Immerse yourself. Practice your skills with native speakers, watch and listen to Chinese media.

Do you have a favourite Chinese word or expression? Why do you like it?

My favourite Chinese term 逆水行舟,不进则退 meaning: like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back. I like using it because it applies to so many things. If you stop working hard to achieve your goals you may never reach them.

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