你好 Nǐ hăo,
Welcome to the April issue of the New Zealand Chinese Language Week newsletter. This is where you get to hear about all the exciting things going on in the world of NZCLW!

On Anzac Day recently, NZCLW paid tribute to the brave Chinese ANZACs who made a significant contribution to New Zealand’s history. Lest we forget.

You might already know the dates for this year's week of events and activities - 17 - 23 September - BUT, in case you haven't put them into your diary...why not do it now?
You can also set a reminder to let the project team here know how you are going to mark the week of celebrations. Tell us (via nzclw@nzclw.com) what your event is, where it's taking place, and when, and we will help you promote it via our website and our social media platforms.

Here are a few neat ways of spreading the word about NZCLW amongst your peers and colleagues. Ask your communications team to put the dates and a link to our website (nzclw.com) in the staff or student newsletter, and make sure you follow and share our social media posts.
Also, we have posters available for you to download from our website and pin up in the office or communal spaces.

And don’t forget to add in the date for this year’s National Dumpling Day too - it’s on 26 September!
Make sure you get a jump start on National Dumpling Day by planning your activities now.
Whether you and your club, society, place of study or place of work decide to make dumplings to celebrate the day or munch them together for morning tea, it's a good idea to start thinking about it now.
If you are in the hospitality or food industry, you might already be thinking about how you can add a dumpling-twist to your menus. Remember to let us know - nzclw@nzclw.com - about your ideas and we'll help share them via our website and social media posts.

Learning a language is a window into learning about a culture. Here at NZCLW, we encourage everyday Kiwis to learn Chinese. Did you know language learning also helps to promote diversity and inclusion within our communities?
If you, or someone you know, is learning any of the Chinese dialects - let us know and we will share your (or their) language learning story. A Chinese Language Superstar doesn't need to be fluent - they just have to be taking a few steps towards learning Chinese. We look forward to receiving lots of nominations!
Here's a link to some interesting information about the different dialects spoken in China.

It was Chinese Language Day on 20 April. We celebrated with delicious 红豆饼 and 绿豆饼 (red bean/green bean cakes) in the office! We also made a video of support, which we shared on our social platforms.
You can watch our video below.

The team here was so lucky to be invited to an event hosted by Naisi Chen MP, at Parliament recently. It marked the 'big reveal' of the Kiwi-designed
Marisfrolg building in Shenzdon, China. Built for Chinese fashion house, Marisfrolg, by South Island architects Van Brandenburg, this is a marvellous example of cultural collaboration.
Take a look at this spectacular building and see snippets from the event, below.

We were excited to read about the arrival last month of the first Chinese visitors to New Zealand since the covid pandemic locked down the borders.
Flights from our international airports are starting to resume to mainland China and we can expect more and more tourists and visitors to our shores this year. Let's make sure we welcome them with a Ni Hao (hello) and a Zaijian (goodbye).
And if you are heading to China for work or pleasure, check out our online language learning resources so you are confident in at least a few basic phrases!
Visit nzclw.com for some language learning tools.

NZCLW is a charitable trust. We rely on sponsorship to ensure this annual celebration of Chinese language and culture reaches into communities right across New Zealand. We are so thankful to everyone who has sponsored us over the past nine years - you have played a very important part in making NZCLW the success it is today.
We are currently recruiting new sponsors for NZCLW 2023. We have several organisations already secured - check out who they are below - several in the pipeline and room for more to sign up!
If your business or organisation would like to join our valued team of sponsors, we would be happy to send you our sponsorship information pack. We would also welcome meeting with you, in person or online, to discuss opportunities.
Email us at nzclw@nzclw.com for more details about the value attached to sponsoring this amazing initiative.
Find out more about the richness of New Zealand Chinese Language Week by watching our Highlights Video from 2022, below.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up as a sponsor so far
