Raymond Huo MP is a founding Trustee and sat as Co-chair of the New Zealand China Language Week Trust for five years. Raymond initiated the idea of a language week while he was Spokesperson for Ethnic Communities in 2010. He is currently the Chair of Parliament’s Justice Select Committee
Since arriving in New Zealand from Beijing in 1994, Raymond has traversed successful careers in journalism, as Asian affairs reporter for the New Zealand Herald and law, as a Partner at an Auckland –based law firm.
In April 2013 Raymond was appointed an Honorary Professor of Law at his alma mater, China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. This appointment was matched by Victoria University in Wellington’s Faculty of Law, where he once served as an Honorary Senior Associate.
In 2012 Raymond was presented with the “Green Angel Clean Tech Award” in Beijing recognizing his contribution in promoting Auckland-based LanzaTech’s renewable energy technologies and NZ Inc.
Raymond is an advisory board member of the Asia:NZ Foundation and the NZ China Council.
In 2017 he was awarded as a distinguished alumnus of China University of Political Science and Law.
Raymond has published 7 books including as a joint editor of Flying Kiwis – a collection of essays of New Zealand primary and secondary school students.
Raymond has been a strong advocate for encouraging our migrant communities to fully participate in society and the political process so they are engaged as contributing citizens.